When does a 3/4-length insole work better than a full-length insole?Updated 2 years ago
For most people, a full-length insole is perfectly fine and even preferred. Full-length insoles are designed to replace your existing shoe insole and will provide unified comfort and support from heel to toe.
However, in situations where you cannot remove your existing shoe insole, you'll want to consider a 3/4-length insole instead. 3/4-length insoles are designed to sit on top of your existing shoe insole to add support, stability, and comfort in situations where you cannot otherwise make use of a full-length insole. In shoes where the toe area is tight and a full-length insole may not work, a 3/4-length insole would be better, too.
Ultimately, we end up asking two questions to determine whether a 3/4-length insole would be a better choice:
- Can you remove the insole currently in your shoe?
- Do you have enough room in the toe-box of your shoes, with the existing insole removed (if possible), for a full-length insole to comfortably fit?
If you answer "No" to either of the above, you should select a 3/4-length insole.